Friday, October 01, 2004

Selective Debate Coverage

Here are the links, folks. I hope you take a look at them and comment on whatever catches your interest!

*NY Times: "In Debate, Kerry and Bush Stand Firm for 90 Minutes" (free registration might be needed)
*The Washington Times: "Bush rips Iraq flip-flops"
* Washington Post: "Media Notes: Kerry Gets the Nod" (subscription required)
* The Wall Street Journal, and LA Times, both need subscriptions, also.
* USA Today: "Candidates offer sharply different foreign policies"
* The New Post: "Foes pound each other"
* The Boston Globe: "Round One: Bush, Kerry trade tough words on Iraq"
* Various commentaries.
* The Boston Herald: "Challenger comes out swinging hard at Bush"
* TIME Magazine: "A Debate in Spite of Itself"
* Newsweek: "A Win for Kerry"
* PBS: "Candidates Clash Over War in Iraq, Homeland Security"


At October 4, 2004 at 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eleanor Clift provides an interesting commentary on how the debate unfolded. I must admit, that I have always come to see Bush as looking unintelligent. Regarless, I think most can admit that his reactions to Kerry's statements often made him look uninformed and in a defensive stance. While Bush seemed to smirk with dismay, Kerry seemed to have an air of confidence and professionalism. I do find it interesting, however, that it is also being argued that Kerry is 'too professional,' and is reminiscent of the Al Gore discription of being "too stuck up and snobby." I agree with most of what Clift wrote, even though it was clearly from a Democractic perspective (or so it seemed). Sadly, I do believe that a vast majority of voters cast their vote in regard to how the candidates look, how they present themselves, and how they appear to know what they're talking about. Far too often, these characteristics are favored much more heavily than should be the case. Yes, a leader must present himself as a leader. However, the issues should be the main concern, and often they are not. I come to think that Clift's article is one that appeals to most voters, unlike the other articles which cover the substance of the issues themselves. While Kerry, as said by most, seems to have won the debate as far as "style" was concerned. Unfortunately that seems to be the deciding factor, instead of what was said about the issues themselves (despite the fact that issues seemed to cover only foreign policy). Regarless, I do think Clift was right. Kerry looked more professional, and for most people, that is of utmost importance.


At October 5, 2004 at 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A win For Kerry?
Bush looked extremly confused and scared up on that stage. As everyone knows Bush said numerous tims that he is "working hard" and this is "a lot of work" it's "hard work." I ask myself what is hard for him? I honestly do not see him working hard nor am I confident in my president working to protect me and the country which I live in. While watching the Vice Presiential Debate and after listening to Vice President Dick Cheney, I can hear Cheney in all of Bush's comments last Thursday night.
I do not think that Kerry spoke well enough last Thursday or convince me to vote for him but I do think that anyone who has a brain and watched the debate would see that Kerry is more presidential. I do not think that Kerry won anything but I do think that he came out and proved to himself and his people that he can do this job and do it well.


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