Saturday, November 06, 2004

CNN: "New Congress more diverse"

More women, more blacks, more Hispanics. Oh, and more lawyers. CNN reports.


At November 7, 2004 at 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next Congress will look slightly more like the real America, with more women, Hispanics and blacks, including the first black man to enter the Senate in a quarter century.
thank god this is happening. we needed to be more diverse. hopefully the next election will look a little different like this and re-elect anyone rather than a dumb sothern white male.
-sara figueiredo

At November 10, 2004 at 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I genuinely hope that these figures will only increase in the future and that these happenings pave the way for more diversity. It only makes sense that if we as Americans pride ourselves on being a melting pot, that we have diverse minds helping to make decisions for our diverse culture. Living my life day to day I never think to compare myself to the early 20th century when minorities were despised. In my world that time seems like ancient past, but in reality it is still somewhat part of our time. That fact is obvious when I read that it is actual "NEWS" that there is a black person or a hispanic-american now in comgress. I am proud of the direction our culture is heading (despite the step back we took with re-electing Bush), but I still taken aback by this article. It was just a little dose of how my world is not necessarily our country's reality, at least not yet. ~ Tami Baruch

At November 15, 2004 at 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There has been increasing criticism of our nation's democratic system, as there is yet to be a female president or even a female presidential candidate. I've seen people advertising already signs saying "Hillary Clinton, '08." To be honest, I think it would be extremely positive to have a woman in the white house. It would be more representative of what our country is all about; which is, diversity among sex, race, and ethnicity. While we may not see a female president for many years to come, it's at least reassuring to see that our govermental system is becoming more and more equally represented, by a diverse group of both men, women, white, hispanic, and black representatives. Finally I have some hope that the country is in fact moving in the right direction; which is, a government that mirrors the diversity in our society.



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