Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Jesus accepting gays too hot for NBC, CBS, church says

CNN: CBS has refused to run an ad by a liberal church promoting the acceptance of people regardless of sexual orientation because the network believes the ad is advocacy advertising.


At December 6, 2004 at 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the NBC spokeswoman was blantantly lying when she said "the problem with the ad was not its depiction of same sex couples at church, but its implication that other religions are not open to all people."
I can understand a station not wanting to air controversial commercials. People have to keep in mind that they are running a bussiness. However, I wish that they would have commented more when their contradictions were pointed out. I feel it only makes the company look worse when they do not make any effort to give some sort of defense or explanation.
Besides all this, I am really interested to see the commercial, and I think it is a shame that topics such as gay couples are any sort of controversial issue at all. ~ Tamar Baruch

At December 8, 2004 at 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I do agree with Tamar, I also must say that if you have already scene the commercial or if you have yet too, you can do as I just did and watch in on It is extremly interesting how no mention of of the little eight, nine, 10-year-old black girl is turned away. Or how the 'big white dominating male security gaurds' (interesting in itself!) turn away the young, well dressed teenage male...maybe because of his race? But they do let the certain republican steriotype couples and fammilies into the church. I urge you to watch it because it is quit interesting. I personally have never scene it on TV.

At December 10, 2004 at 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I think this is simply ridiculous. First of all, airing this commercial isn't saying that the network supports gay marriages. If nothing else, its simply allowing for a church which choses to accept people regardless of, well, anything. Its not as if the ad is stringently based upon whether gay marriage is right or not. Its not an ad for gay marriage rights, but an ad for a church. The word 'controversy' has been well overused in the past several years. It seems everything in the news today is controversial in one way or another. That, however, should not prevent organizations from publically airing a message on, what is supposed to be, a medium for the good of the people (television). This entire event is absurd, and its sad that things of this nature are being 'banned,' in essence, from a our nations most popular means of communicating information to the public.



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