Wednesday, February 02, 2005

John: "Chef Enjoys Dining Commons"

Meet John Kopp, a Berkshire Dining Commons chef that enjoys his job and theenvironment of the UMass Amherst campus. The 20 year old cook from Pembroke,Massachusetts became an employee of UMass two years ago when he started offwashing dishes at the Dining Commons. Kopp grew up in the small town ofPembroke, located in the South Shore of Massachusetts. His childhood was aquintessential New England upbringing in his small suburban town. Koppremembers his childhood as being ordinary and pleasing. He participated inbaseball and basketball as a youth and attended public schools. “I alwaysenjoyed growing up in the area that I did and I had a very supportive familyevery step of the way,” said Kopp. After he graduated from Silver Lake HighSchool in 2002, Kopp enrolled at UMass and looked for a job to help him with theeconomic strains of college life.
During his freshman year of school Kopp applied for a job at the BerkshireDining Commons because he needed money and something to keep his daysregimented. Kopp enjoyed the job right away because of the benefits that itprovided him with. “The DC gave me good hours, my boss was lenient andunderstood that I was taking classes as well, and I found it easy to get daysoff here and there.” When asked about the disadvantages of his job Kopp said,“…dealing with students that complain about things that I have no control overand tough weekend hours.” Currently Kopp is working as a stir fry chef on aline and cooks a variety of International food. The chef plans to keep workingat the Dining Commons for a couple of years while he is still living in theAmherst area.


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